Mandate Training


Training for mandates

We want to qualify parliamentarians for the National Congress, regardless of whether they are in their first term or are being re-elected. We offer courses on strategic topics for parliamentarians and their offices, in order to expand dialogue and bring knowledge based on data to as many congressmen as possible. 




We promote debates and seminars on the main issues of national interest. Renowned experts in public policy, economics and political science contribute to the training of RenovaBR leaders on the central themes of the Brazilian public debate.



The leaders elected by RenovaBR have at their disposal a wide range of multidisciplinary experts who assist them in formulating their political strategies and long-term projects.



In partnership with Legisla Brasil and other partners, we offer our elected leaders consultancy on Strategic Mandate Planning. Our goal is to encourage our students to take a strategic view of their mandates.





To be part of the training courses at the largest political training school in Brazil, it is necessary to be part of the RenovaBR Leadership Network, composed of elected leaders who have graduated from the school's programs, having gone through the selection process and initial training at RenovaBR. Leaders who commit to RenovaBR's values in their mandates - ethics, transparency, plurality, learning and representation - are eligible to benefit from these training programs and services.


We value ethics as the backbone for shaping leaders committed to all areas of activity, in order to promote a more integral and effective politics.


We promote and encourage leadership actions with clarity, honesty, accountability and commitment to transparency in an accessible manner, strengthening trust with society and fostering a more participatory and informed democracy.


We emphasize continuous learning, based on data and evidence, to empower political leaders, as we believe that sharing knowledge is essential to improving and strengthening democracy.


We celebrate plurality, regardless of origins as long as these are democratic positions, and promote an inclusive environment that values different political perspectives. We recognize that the diversity of ideas enriches the debate and strengthens our mission to shape leaders committed to the common good.


We advocate for representation and diversity, striving for inclusion in spaces of power by promoting diverse individuals who truly represent their communities to serve a genuinely inclusive and participatory politics.

Expanded Network

Leaders elected who align with RenovaBR's vision, values, and mission can join the expanded network of RenovaBR leaders by signing a Commitment Letter. This commitment is required for all leaders, including those who have graduated from RenovaBR's programs, as they undertake their roles as parliamentarians or executives.


A woman, to participate in party politics and compete in an election to win, needs to feel safe. RenovaBR gives us this security, investing in knowledge and preparation for the exercise of our mandate. I am grateful for the training I received.

Gisela Simona

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

Just like me, several people who did not consider entering politics now take on this challenge because they find RenovaBR an environment with purpose. By being part of it I realized that I was not alone in this ideal.

Pedro Aihara

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

RenovaBR was not just a course for politics, but a course for life. We learned everything: how to structure the pre-campaign, how to build a brand, how to position yourself on social media. And I'm pleased to see the diversity of people I'm around.

Carol Guedes

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

The RenovaBR classes were fundamental for organizing my campaign. Despite having experience in managing the SUS, I learned a lot about how to manage an electoral campaign. Furthermore, experienced teachers made the process much more efficient.

Daniel Soranz

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

I ran for State Representative in 2018 and was not elected. In 2020, I ran for the position of councilor, and it worked. I was elected! What happened between these two elections? I trained at RenovaBR. I learned how to obtain resources for the campaign and, most importantly, I understood how to make quality public policies.

Cris Monteiro

RBR Leadership 2019/2020

RenovaBR showed me how to run a campaign and guided me assertively, preventing me from making several mistakes. Certainly, being able to be elected in my first election was thanks to the support of the entire RenovaBR team. Without them, there is no doubt that the result would be quite different.

Leo Siqueira

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

The RenovaBR course is more than a leadership training space. It is a school that seeks respect for differences, collectivity and democracy. What I learned helped me to have an excellent mandate as a councilor. Then, as a state deputy, I also had a sensational, more robust experience.

Lohanna France

RBR Leadership 2019/2020

One of the greatest pride I have in my political career is carrying the title of RenovaBR student. The excellent work carried out by the school is extremely important for strengthening our democracy. The students and leaders trained excel in dialogue, respect, consideration, technicality and flexibility.

Fernando Marangoni

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

Events for

Discover our initiatives that aim to strengthen, expand and qualify the debate on priority agendas of the National Congress.


RenovaBR expands participation in the Alumni Community with new onboarding of graduates

During the online event, this Tuesday (17), RenovaBR onboarded more than 370 new alumni to the Alumni Community platform. In total, more than 1,500 people graduated in the 2023/2024 classes, preparing a new generation of political leaders. It's



RenovaBR trains more than 1,500 new leaders for the 2024 elections

RenovaBR successfully completed the formation of the 2023/2024 classes, preparing a new generation of political leaders for the 2024 elections. With a rigorous selection process that attracted more than 30 thousand interested parties and received more than 21 thousand applications, RenovaBR



RenovaBR leaders are nominated for the 2024 Congresso em Foco Award

Eight parliamentarians trained by RenovaBR were nominated in the 'Best in the Chamber' and 'Best in the Senate' category at the 2024 Congress in Focus Award. Among the nominees are Gisela Simona (UB-MT), Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP), Camila Jara ( PT-MS), Samuel Viana



RenovaBR supports the “O Brasil Fala” initiative to encourage dialogue and reduce polarization in the country

Ideological polarization, which is naturally part of the democratic process, has become a serious problem in Brazil, where divergence has become distrust and conflict. To face this challenge, a new initiative entitled "O Brasil Fala"



Anyone with a mandate, whether from the RenovaBR Network or not.

Training is carried out in person.

Training is free.

This training does not have a calendar and can take place at different times.