Continuing Training


Continuing Training

Our students continue studying to exercise the best possible mandate within a society that continues to evolve.

We invite national and international experts to help our leaders with the challenges facing Brazil and its cities. The frequency and format, in-person or virtual, varies according to the content, the teaching staff and the period of the term in which the courses are held.


Online classes

Public leadership - Prof° Diogo Costa

The main objective is to highlight the context of public administration, with an emphasis on future-oriented direction, focusing on results and the human aspect, going beyond the mere functioning of the public machine. New skills that are becoming increasingly essential for new leaders in the sector were also addressed in the course.

Duration: 90

Pre-campaign has already started - Prof° Darlan Campos

We explore the trajectory of an electoral campaign, covering topics such as the electoral cycle, defining the target audience for the campaign, building reputation and the actions that can be taken now in order to have a successful campaign in 2024.

Duration: 90 minutes

Global Corruption Index - Partnership: International Transparency Institute (TI)

We welcomed Guilherme France, our partner at Transparency International (TI), for a presentation of the results of the global Corruption Perception Index. The meeting was mediated by Mônica Rosenberg, RenovaBR leader and authority in the fight against corruption.

Duration: 60 minutes

Term of office of the active councilor - Profa° Mônica Lopes

Methods for creating and approving well-founded bills were presented, how to understand and monitor the municipal budget, and ways to leverage your mandate.

Duration: 90 minutes

Campaign construction - The challenge begins before the ballot box

We understand how the agreements for a candidacy, pre-campaign and campaign for female candidates are generally idealized, as well as the challenges and lessons learned.

Duration: 90 minutes

Digital mobilization - Prof° Alan Bueno

We offer the opportunity to improve engagement and mobilization skills in a broad and meaningful context. The central objective was to enable participants to build engaged and motivated communities, ready to make a difference in the world.

Duration: 90 minutes

Proposal for social media - Prof° Rodrigo Gadelha

We explore the integration of the digital world in the electoral scenario, discuss innovative communication strategies and address topics related to winning over contemporary voters, who are increasingly present on social networks.

Duration: 90 minutes

How to make

To participate in our Continuing Training, you must be a leader trained by RenovaBR and be part of the RBR Alumni Community.

Discover the Platform
RBR Alumni

Discover the Alumni RBR platform, a collaborative and inclusive environment created exclusively for RenovaBR's political leaders to exchange experiences and articulate their actions regionally. Here you can connect with our network of more than 2,000 alumni spread across Brazil, united by the same purpose of renewing and making a difference in politics.

If you have graduated and are not yet a member, click the button below:


A woman, to participate in party politics and compete in an election to win, needs to feel safe. RenovaBR gives us this security, investing in knowledge and preparation for the exercise of our mandate. I am grateful for the training I received.

Gisela Simona

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

Just like me, several people who did not consider entering politics now take on this challenge because they find RenovaBR an environment with purpose. By being part of it I realized that I was not alone in this ideal.

Pedro Aihara

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

RenovaBR was not just a course for politics, but a course for life. We learned everything: how to structure the pre-campaign, how to build a brand, how to position yourself on social media. And I'm pleased to see the diversity of people I'm around.

Carol Guedes

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

The RenovaBR classes were fundamental for organizing my campaign. Despite having experience in managing the SUS, I learned a lot about how to manage an electoral campaign. Furthermore, experienced teachers made the process much more efficient.

Daniel Soranz

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

I ran for State Representative in 2018 and was not elected. In 2020, I ran for the position of councilor, and it worked. I was elected! What happened between these two elections? I trained at RenovaBR. I learned how to obtain resources for the campaign and, most importantly, I understood how to make quality public policies.

Cris Monteiro

RBR Leadership 2019/2020

RenovaBR showed me how to run a campaign and guided me assertively, preventing me from making several mistakes. Certainly, being able to be elected in my first election was thanks to the support of the entire RenovaBR team. Without them, there is no doubt that the result would be quite different.

Leo Siqueira

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

The RenovaBR course is more than a leadership training space. It is a school that seeks respect for differences, collectivity and democracy. What I learned helped me to have an excellent mandate as a councilor. Then, as a state deputy, I also had a sensational, more robust experience.

Lohanna France

RBR Leadership 2019/2020

One of the greatest pride I have in my political career is carrying the title of RenovaBR student. The excellent work carried out by the school is extremely important for strengthening our democracy. The students and leaders trained excel in dialogue, respect, consideration, technicality and flexibility.

Fernando Marangoni

RBR Leadership 2021/2022

Network News
RBR Alumni

Check out the main news from our leadership network


RenovaBR expands participation in the Alumni Community with new onboarding of graduates

During the online event, this Tuesday (17), RenovaBR onboarded more than 370 new alumni to the Alumni Community platform. In total, more than 1,500 people graduated in the 2023/2024 classes, preparing a new generation of political leaders. It's



RenovaBR trains more than 1,500 new leaders for the 2024 elections

RenovaBR successfully completed the formation of the 2023/2024 classes, preparing a new generation of political leaders for the 2024 elections. With a rigorous selection process that attracted more than 30 thousand interested parties and received more than 21 thousand applications, RenovaBR



RenovaBR leaders are nominated for the 2024 Congresso em Foco Award

Eight parliamentarians trained by RenovaBR were nominated in the 'Best in the Chamber' and 'Best in the Senate' category at the 2024 Congress in Focus Award. Among the nominees are Gisela Simona (UB-MT), Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP), Camila Jara ( PT-MS), Samuel Viana



RenovaBR supports the “O Brasil Fala” initiative to encourage dialogue and reduce polarization in the country

Ideological polarization, which is naturally part of the democratic process, has become a serious problem in Brazil, where divergence has become distrust and conflict. To face this challenge, a new initiative entitled "O Brasil Fala"



Participants of the RBR Alumni Community, elected or not.

Classes are held completely online, with possible face-to-face meetings.

To participate in this training, you must be a leader trained by RenovaBR.

Get in touch via WhatsApp at: (11) 4004- 2816.

Training is free.

This training does not have a calendar and can take place at different times.